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Nisan, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


Bu ara aklımda olan sözler:Güzel günler sana gelmez sen onlara gideceksin. Kusuru kendine söylenmeyen kişi kusurunu marifet sanar. Iyiligin karşılığı iyiliktir.Sahip olduklarının kıymetini bil.Paylasirsan hayatına bolluk ve bereket gelir. Bireysel yada kitlesel olsun hiç bir sömürüye alet olma. Hayatta kendini istediğin yerde konumlandirmaya çalış. Biri yer biri bakar kiyamet bundan kopar.Insanlara zarar vermemelisin. Sevdiklerinizin kıymetini bilin. Zaman çok değerlidir ve her zaman en iyi şekilde degerlendirilmelidir. Ne ekersen onu biçersin. Emek kutsaldır. Muradinin gerçekleşmesini istersen onu içinde tutman elde edebilmen için daha uygundur. Insan olmak ağır bir sorumluluktur. Yaşam hakkı ve insanın sahip olduğu haklar çok önemlidir. Okumak ve kendini geliştirmek çok önemli. Bir taş ustasının dediği gibi taşı kıran son darbedir ama önceden 100lerce darbe vurman gerekir. Zamanın sana ne mutluluklar sakladığını bilemezsin. Insanlarin kutsalına ve inancına saygı gösterilmelidir.Sabı...

Pancho Villa

Pancho Villa's life is full of violence. Leading the militant group of 15,000-20,000 people. The bank and the bank are doing the robberies. We can call it the modern Robin Hood. From the romantic point of view. It binds the rich landowners. Politics says it is not in search of a seat. occupies a state of America.And at the end of the suicide after his supporter Zapata is sacrificed.I wrote this information with the information I read in the book of the garden of Bakunin .He made a spiritual impression and he opposes me and inequality all over the country.Mexika history the Hollywood filmmaker is taking the film and the real battle scenes form this Film in story. The interests of America at the time of the past are the norm. In the opposite direction of 180 degrees in Hollywood, when the sympathies turn antipathetic Pancho Villa.At the war side, about 4000 militants are killed from the opposite side.

ya lili

Republic Revolutions

republican revolution should not be a period of denial in Turkey should not be misrepresented the children and youth of this country should not be offended their history.

renaissance painting

This renaissance painting is i am happy whenever i see.


anarchism is in a position equivalent to violence in my mind, especially because of the audience profile in Football matches in Turkey.

I wonder

I think we are closer to physically perceiving the world as a child than we are in a much more holistic state of mind, but as the years go by, people are starting to become more front in our life.


Alfred Hitchcock put the woman in the birds to shoot a horror movie. How difficult it can be to be a player I've seen in this biography film made in 2012


why was socialism excluded and valorized? what's wrong with this in this? It is marketed as american dream to put money on others'money all over the world


It 's nice to be able to read english. I can follow the news with subtitles. I think the hardest part is the listening part, and the second easy is writing , reading the easiest.

the end of discussions

While some people respect and search for the thoughts of others, some of us are prejudiced and negative about different thoughts, stay under this which we can not independently evaluate thoughts without the personality of the person who talks or our emotional reactions.

A few questions on politics?

Is constructive politics possible? How many percent of the world politics do you think the constructive percentage and what destructive effects do you see? I think we all think the same as human beings. Very few.

What does reading give us

Why should we read a book? What do the books give us? As we read the book, we witness different events to different lives of different people. It gives us an experience that we can not have in real life. It is a chance to experience a reality without fear of making mistakes. In this journey there is no space or person limitation. You add your reality to your reality, your own subconscious mind and your imagination, and you will come out as a spiritually and mentally enriched at the end of the reading.


The good thing you can do to yourself is to turn off the television and read a book you like.


how many tears you have? how do you use words? how do you see the events?

Hussain Al Jassmi - Boshret Kheir | 2014

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